During 11/5-11/9, we had a special workshop for our class.
Character Design, this is what we were goin' to do for the whole week. the proffesor is
Markus Fischman, an experienced 3D animator and teacher of character animation, is also the boss of a animation production company,
digitalfish, (btw, i love the logo of digitalfish, it's kind of funny.) i guess it's called digitalFISH because prof.'s last name, Fischman, is read like FISH. he's a german, fat and white, not that tall, very affable. i especially love what he said about DJ BoBo, "the la la la songs."
At the very first begining, Markus said "We're in the same situation, this is not my native language too." that make me feel easier. Cause i were really worried about the problem of communication and understanding.
These are some useful words foe me from Markus, i tried my best to show you the oringinal way he talked:
“People alway have some ideas and then just fall in love with that certain idea, then they only move on on that idea till they get stuck then find out that this idea is only shit.“
“it's good to have your idea, but you can't only do that idea, you should think and try widely, there're many possibilities. but you still have to keep your idea.“
"when you found one idea is only rubbish, kill it."
"you go figure out ten or twenty different legs, don't think too much or doing one idea for too long, just keep drawing till your inner ideas coming out, after all, kill the rubbish and pick the best one for your character."
"be flexible!" he kept telling us this.
"it's good to have your own favor, but you can't only do these cutie things, cause in the future, you may meet some client ask you to do some maybe a violent, cruel robot, you can't give him a cutie! same to some another ones, some people be asked to draw a cutie but only have a monster at last."
"you're not an artist, you're a designer!"
After all, i think i had learned a lot, not only about Character Design but also learned about creativity, designing progress, personal style, attitude toward learning, attitude toward designing you work..., so, although i totally got no interesting in 3D fields, i think i still feel lucky that i was in that! and i also know that this would never be an end but a new beginnig instead.