2007年12月28日 星期五
2007年12月24日 星期一
材質三連發 製後語
最先進行的是面的系列..第一各作品是 face_2 回字型字陣
進行到 face_1 地磚四方連續
接著是line_1 放射圓錐圖形
line_2 拋物線空間構成
dots_1 點集合成面
repeat a front to
repeat b front to
pen ()
function (x,y) (x,y)
同時可以決定pen的濃淡 做出漸層效果
repeat a 1 10 //宣告變數a 由1到10
pen 80 //筆劃顏色
line 0 0 (10-a) a //設定線斷的初始值 起點是(0,0) 終點是((10-a),a)
所以在終點的座標加入了變數a 最後的畫面就會呈現扇形的線集合
最後的dots_2 純粹的點集合成線段
材質三連發 最後一彈 -面-
size 100 100 4
Command rect L B R T
Line L B R B
Line R B R T
Line R T L T
Line L T L B
repeat a 0 9
pen (100-a*10)
rect (a+0) (a+0) 50 50
pen (a*10)
rect 10 10 (a+40) (a+40)
pen (100-b*10)
rect (b+10) 10 40 (40-b)
pen (100-a*10)
rect 20 (a+10) (40-a) 30
pen (a*10)
rect (a+20) (a+20) (30-a) (30-a)
repeat a 0 9
pen (100-a*10)
rect (a+0) 50 50 (100-a)
repeat a 1 9
rect 10 (50+a) (50-a) 90
repeat a 1 9
pen (100-a*10)
rect (a+10) (a+60) 40 90
repeat a 1 9
pen (100-a*10)
rect 20 70 (40-a) (90-a)
repeat a 0 9
pen (a*10)
rect (a+20) (a+70) (30-a) (80-a)
repeat a 1 9
pen (100-a*10)
rect 50 (a+0) (100-a) 50
repeat a 1 9
pen (100-a*10)
rect (a+50) 10 90 (50-a)
pen (100-a*10)
rect 60 10 (90-a) (40-a)
pen (100-a*10)
rect (a+60) (a+10) 80 30
repeat a 1 9
pen (a*10)
rect (a+70) (a+20) (80-a) (30-a)
repeat a 1 9
pen (100-a*10)
rect 50 50 (100-a) (100-a)
repeat a 1 9
pen (100-a*10)
rect (a+50) (a+50) 90 90
repeat a 1 9
pen (100-a*10)
rect 60 (a+60) (90-a) 90
repeat a 1 9
pen (100-a*10)
rect (a+60) 70 80 (90-a)
repeat a 1 9
pen (a*10)
rect (a+70) (a+70) (80-a) (80-a)
face_2 script
size 100 100 4
Command rect L B R T
Line L B R B
Line R B R T
Line R T L T
Line L T L B
repeat x 0 6
repeat y 0 6
pen 30
rect (16*x-7) (16*y-7) (16*x+7) (16*y+7)
repeat x 0 6
repeat y 0 6
pen 50
rect (16*x-5) (16*y-5) (16*x+5) (16*y+5)
repeat x 0 6
repeat y 0 6
pen 70
rect (16*x-3) (16*y-3) (16*x+3) (16*y+3)
repeat x 0 6
repeat y 0 6
pen 90
rect (16*x-1) (16*y-1) (16*x+1) (16*y+1)
材質三連發 第二彈 -線-
line_1 script
// enter program
fastsize 100 100 4
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 0 10
repeat c 5 25
set [(a+b*10) (a+b*c/3)] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 0 10
repeat c 5 25
set [ (a+b*c/3) (a+b*10)] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 0 10
repeat c 5 25
set [ (100-(a+b*10)) (a+b*c/3)] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 0 10
repeat c 5 25
set [ (100-(a+b*c/3)) (a+b*10)] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 0 10
repeat c 5 25
set [ (a+b*c/3) (100-(a+b*10))] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 0 10
repeat c 5 25
set [ (a+b*10) (100-(a+b*c/3))] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 0 10
repeat c 5 25
set [ (100-(a+b*c/3)) (100-(a+b*10))] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 0 10
repeat c 5 25
set [ (100-(a+b*10)) (100-(a+b*c/3))] (a*b+20)
size 100 100 4
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b-10)
line 20 (20+a*b-b) (30+a*b-b) 70
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b-10)
line (20+a*b-b) 70 70 (70-a*b-b)
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b-10)
line 70 (70-a*b-b) (70-a*b-b) 20
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b-10)
line (70-a*b-b) 20 20 (20+a*b-b)
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b+20)
line (a*b-b+50) (a*b-b) (100-a*b-b) (50+a*b-b)
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b+20)
line (a*b-b+50) (100-a*b-b) (100-a*b-b) (50-a*b-b)
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b+20)
line (a*b-b) (50+a*b-b) (50+a*b-b) (100-a*b-b)
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b+20)
line (100-a*b-b) (50+a*b-b) (50-a*b-b) (100-a*b-b)
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b+20)
line (50-a*b-b) (100-a*b-b) (a*b-b) (50-a*b-b)
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b+20)
line (50-a*b-b) (a*b-b) (a*b-b) (50+a*b-b)
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b+20)
line (a*b-b) (50-a*b-b) (50+a*b-b) (a*b-b)
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b+20)
line (100-a*b-b) (50-a*b-b) (50-a*b-b) (a*b-b)
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b+30)
line 0 (a*b-b) (a*b-b) 100
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b+30)
line 0 (100-a*b-b) (100-a*b-b) 100
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b+30)
line 0 (a*b-b) (100-a*b-b) 0
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b+30)
line 0 (100-a*b-b) (a*b-b) 0
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b+30)
line (100-a*b-b) 0 100 (100-a*b-b)
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b+30) line (a*b-b) 0 100 (a*b-b)
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b+30)
line (a*b-b) 100 100 (100-a*b-b)
repeat a 1 10
repeat b 3 8
pen (a*b-b+30)
line (100-a*b-b) 100 100 (a*b-b)
dbn材質三連發 第一彈 -點-
repeat b 0 10
repeat c 5 25
set [(a+b*10) (a+b*c/3)] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 0 10
repeat c 5 25
set [ (a+b*c/3) (a+b*10)] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat c 5 25
set [ (100-(a+b*10)) (a+b*c/3)] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
Repeat a 0 10
Repeat a 0 10
Repeat a 0 10
// enter program
size 100 100 4
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 5 16
set [(100-a*10) (a*b)] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 5 16
set [(a*10) (a*b)] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 5 16
set [(a*10) (100-a*b)] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 5 16
set [(100-a*10) (100-a*b)] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 5 16
set [(5+(100-a*10)) (5+(a*b))] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 5 16
set [(5+(a*10)) (5+(a*b))] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 5 16
set [(5+(a*10)) (5+(100-a*b))] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 5 16
set [(5+(100-a*10)) (5+(100-a*b))] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 5 16
set [(10+(100-a*10)) (10+(a*b))] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 5 16
set [(10+(a*10)) (10+(a*b))] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 5 16
set [(10+(a*10)) (10+(100-a*b))] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 5 16
set [(10+(100-a*10)) (10+(100-a*b))] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 5 16
set [(15+(100-a*10)) (15+(a*b))] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 5 16
set [(15+(a*10)) (15+(a*b))] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 5 16
set [(15+(a*10)) (15+(100-a*b))] (a*b+20)
Repeat a 0 10
repeat b 5 16
set [(15+(100-a*10)) (15+(100-a*b))] (a*b+20)
feature artist: Neville brody
feature artist: Vera Molnar
feature artist: Marius Watz
2007年12月23日 星期日
2007年12月18日 星期二
2007年12月17日 星期一
2007年12月10日 星期一
One step from the top, Essex boy who reached Apple's core
He holds one of the most powerful corporate jobs in America.
His admirers (and customers) include Bono, George W. Bush and the Queen.
This year the readers of Time magazine put him among the 100 most influential people on Earth.
Could Jonathan Ive,
the publicity-shy Essex boy who started his career designing toilets and combs,
be close to performing one of the most extraordinary coups in American business history?
who lives in Twin Peaks, San Francisco, with his wife, who is a historian,
and their twin sons, be the next man to run Apple Computer?
is already Apple’s senior vice-president of industrial design,
credited widely with the development of every Apple product from the iMac to the iPhone.
WorkShop ╳ WorkShop ╳ WorkShop
But it's really pities because I was not interested in the subject of the workshop. At that time, I asked myself why "I have to take the workshop I am not interested in, not to take routine classes I like.
I second it that the workshop was valuable to the most students, but I didn't want to take a whole week to learn something I might feel bored, even I had to use my poor English to communicate to Master.
Actually, I extremely looked forward to the workshop, but at the first day, when I knew the subject, I felt really disappointed. I thought it was unfair for students because they couldn't choose what they wanted to learn from the workshop. The head of the department got some money from school to temporarily hire the foreign teacher so that letting students felt they had some bonus from the department. But if the head just wanted to pretend he had already done so many things, and spent so much money for students. From freshman to junior, we've learned lots of subjects about visual design, marketing and advertisement…etc, however; it seems that the head of the department attempts to transfer the trend of commercial design to animation anyway. Is it the correct trend? I don't know.
2007年12月9日 星期日
2007年12月3日 星期一
2007年12月2日 星期日
i am not a good student!
everybody say Markus Fischman is so great! yes! i do understand absolutely. but at this article, i could like to say something difference to other guy's workshop feeling. what kind person cost the design deparment a lot of money to teach us with 3d role setting in every year. be a thinker, you have to cerebrate at same time, design deparment's choice is adequate way or not for us. yes, i know it is a chance to train our english conversation and express skill. if you are notice national design appulse and improve your english very often. what's different between a local teacher and a foreign teather? over here, you must against my words in this article. you could like to say Markus Fischman give you a macroscopic view that you never see before. but can you show me what did you get in the course of time? the important thing is what did you learn and make a changes in your mind. i consider the way to do evolution oneself is necessary for design students. the world is roll, every thing could be changed. there are a lot of things we have to know. today, the software in the computer is hot but will be update tomorrow. there's not enough time to learn new computer software forever....
now i am a junior, i often ask myself what i want to do in the future, but i can not give me a right answer offhandedly, and you?